Grange-Lea provides care for people who need a care team available to them 24 hours a day. This includes people with long-term conditions and/or terminal illness. We also care for frail older people who need additional care and support with washing, dressing and other daily living activities. We arrange a wide range of activities, visiting entertainers, games and parties for our residents to enjoy. We also have regular visits from the hairdresser and podiatrist. We have wifi internet access throughout the building with an Alexa smart speaker to be enjoyed by all residents.
Our caring team is a skill mix of carers, an administrator, chefs, a housekeepers, a handyman and a gardener. Our directors also play a big part in the day to day running of the home. The team work closely to ensure that our residents have a happy life at Grange-Lea and are well looked after. Grange-Lea is registered with the Care Quality Commission and the local authority to provide care to adults.
Our highly skilled team of carers work hard to provide high quality care, with a multi-disciplinary team support in a therapeutic environment. We support individuals who may be experiencing difficulties as their condition progresses and aim to meet their needs to achieve the best possible quality of life.
Grange-Lea is situated in the Devonshire town of Preston, Paignton. We provide top quality 24-hour residential care. We can facilitate family to stay overnight and there are no visiting restrictions. The home has extensive wheelchair accessible gardens with rabbits. Person-centred care planning is provided by the skilled care team, with the help of the latest electronic healthcare systems; combined with an activities programme supported by caring staff team. We have close working relationships with the local community teams and GP surgery who provide regular medical reviews.